Created for the mission to ” Usher in His Kingdom through Women’s Ministry”.

The vision is simple. We desire to enhance the spiritual lives of women by communicating God’s grace and promises through Women’s Ministry.  We keep this vision in focus by keeping the word of God close to our hearts and in our minds.

If you are interested in serving with the Women’s Ministry or would like more information contact

Women's Ministry

Mom Life is a group for moms to encourage and support one another in God’s love through every phase of parenting our children. 
In addition to gatherings, we have a  Facebook group for our Mom’s to connect on as well! Contact Megan Keller for more details and to sign up to be a part of these groups.
We meet the third Tuesdays of every month at 6:00 PM at Promise. 
“Grand” Life is a group created out of a desire to connect
women who may fall in the category of empty nesters, never had children, women with
older children, retired or semi-retired. 
If you have questions or would like like more information, please contact Connie Van Buren or the church office.
We meet the third Tuesday of every month at 6:00 PM at Promise.
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